Tag Archives: books

1BW: It’s a Start

Since high school ended I rarely read a book cover to cover, if I do, that is for a project, exam’s coming up or I am just excited for the next movie that will come out of the story (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince which when the movie came out, I was greatly disappointed which added reasons to not read a book, especially the sequel!!).

Now well about 5 years after the ‘big disappointment’ I will start reading again.

1BW: 1 Book a Week, this I will aptly call my new pet project. A week is definitely a long period for just one book, for someone like me who seldom reads, this may be too short, and would come out with plenty of reasons, alibis to not read a part or a chapter or a page.

So hopefully i would end up reading a lot after a season or 2 I’ll definitely keep you posted on progress.

For the first book I woukd read, I choose Ender’s Game. It just came to me.
So hopefully I could finish this within a week.
